Galapagos: Islands That Changed the World

Rugged and rocky, delicate and fragile, strange but beautiful, the Galapagos archipelago is one of the most unique places on our planet. Its climate and geology plus its diverse fauna and flora play important roles in human history that intersect in special and dynamic ways. In the Spring of 2018, Stan Havlick and his wife, Margaret, pointed their compass toward the western coast of South America with their first destination being Quito, the charming old colonial capital of Ecuador. After a few days of urban exploration, Stan and Margaret teamed up with a small group of adventuresome travelers to follow in the 1835 footsteps and discoveries of the famous but controversial Charles Darwin. Their mode of transportation was a small ship that allowed the group ample opportunities to hike, kayak, swim, and snorkel on multiple islands and photograph the many indigenous birds, reptiles, and sea life of the one and only Galapagos. We are hopeful that you are able to join us for this special presentation.

Stan, who has lived and traveled on all seven continents, will also devote a portion of his program to answering your questions about the wonderful world of travel.


81 Degrees North: Above the Arctic Circle


Canoeing Sheenjek: Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge