Wonders of the Open Road: Asia

Turkmenbashi, TM to Beijing, CN: June 1999

In June, 1999, Stan Havlick, John Rickauer, Mark Snyder, and Dan Chen, who joined the team at the Chinese Border, dipped their back wheels into the Caspian Sea on the shores of Turkmenistan. Nearly three months and over four thousand miles later, they dipped their front wheels into the Yellow Sea, Southeast of Beijing, China. This rare ride took this dedicated cycling team over the Tian Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan and across the barren Garagum, Taklimakan and Gobi deserts of Central Asia.

Join Stan as he shares his takes and photos of this extraordinary adventure and unique cultural experience. Stand, who has lived or traveled on all seven continents, will devote a portion of his program to answering your questions about the wonderful world of travel.


Wonders of the Open Road: South America


Climbing in the Himalaya & Karakorum of Pakistan